1972b: The Stand for the White House

by tex, and /u/Atom_H3art_Mother

This mod features two fan favorites: Richard Nixon and George Wallace. With only George Wallace playable, the player can choose to distance themselves from racist rhetoric and propel themselves into a new conservative-populist George Wallace or become a near-liberal. The mod is quite elastic, with big wins or big losses for each side. The mod originally had Shirley Chisholm as a "secret running mate," although for convenience sake she has now been directly integrated into the mod.

Play the Mod Here

Get the Mod

Through the following codes:


Code 1

Code 2

Select all and copy within each box containing the code you wish to copy. Then, paste into the corresponding boxes provided in the 'Other' section under the Mod Loader. Alternatively, on the old Campaign Trail site, paste Code 1 first into the Console, then paste Code 2 upon loading the game (note: plenty of functionality will be missing).

Custom TCT code retrieval system 1.0
created by /u/astrohunch_o

Campaign Trail Showcase and direct integration into this website
created by Jet